Hi! My name is Masha. The first thing you should know about me is I’m very talkative, stubborn and sneaky. I love doing things I’m not allowed to do, but lucky for me I have awesome family and friends that stop me from doing anything too foolish hehehe… Sometimes I’m shy but when it comes to getting what I want, well, let’s just say, I’m not too shy anymore. People like me mostly because I’m not afraid to say anything stupid or random. Recently I went to Ukraine to visit my Grandma and I look exactly like her! I really like being the center of attention but not a show off. I love watching movies and bonding with my family. I love exploring especially when we go to the beach and there are lots of rocks and trees I absolutely have to climb them. When I do things that are really dangerous I worry my mom a lot but what’s life for right?
What is my inspiration?? Never give up and never stop trying. Believe in your dreams.
I am thankful that I was born to a good family and life put me in a situation where I could go to school, I have parents, nice cloth and healthy food. I am thankful that I could do what I love doing the most — ballet.
BALLET, BALLET, BALLET, BALLET is my PASSION. Ever heard of «I have no life» well take a step in my life and that saying won’t just be «a saying». Every day I have at least 2 hours of ballet and three times a week I leave school at 11:30 to bus to ballet. It’s a tough life but it’s totally worth it! Sometimes I wonder how I could possibly live without ballet… I wonder and I wonder and then well I realize it’s impossible. Two years in a row I’ve been Clara for the Goh Ballet Nutcracker. It was such an amazing experience, I got to perform in Victoria, sign autographs and even get 2 pairs of worn and signed point shoes by principal dancer Sonia Rodriguez and Mara Vinson. How cool is that? Well that’s not all I’m also going to Winnipeg in the summer to train at The Royal Ballet of Winnipeg with one of my best friends from Goh School, I’m so EXITED!!! I’ve also got a thing for climbing. I love climbing with my busy ballet schedule I haven’t got to climb that much but it’s one of my passions too.
My biggest goal is to become the best ballerina I could be and more. I also hope that I will get into McGee — a school which has a SPARC program which allows students to leave at 12am and accommodates my crazy ballet schedule. It would be just AWESOME.
I would like to be more down to earth and more honest with myself.