Hello, my name is Vuka (I can pronounce Luka now but mama says that she really likes how I was telling people that my name was Vuka, well, when I was little, so, I keep doing it). I am 4.5 year old will be five this year and I am very cool. My papa and mama say I look like my grandma Masha. People like me and often say that I am «soooooooo cute». I am very curious about the world and my parents help me to explore the world by signing me up for zillions of activities. I do gymnastics, music, French, math for fun, skating and preschool. I do not mind — it is all a lot of fun and I am told that when I am not busy everybody else gets ‘busy’ with me…
I am thankful when people bring me presents. Books about animals, animal toys are preferable. I am very thankful for chocolate although my mom does not support it at all. I am thankful when my parents play with me and wish they would do it more.
I love everything about the natural world and I know a lot about animals: where they live, what they eat, how fast they could run etc. I love buying animals to my friends as presents for their birthdays. My favourite books are about animals too but I used to be very interested in monsters and dinosaurs, so I have a very cool collection of those. I can show the continents on the map and globe and can read a couple of letters with mama’s help. I am very lucky as a very funny dude lives with us — my uncle Seriy. He is very kind to me and plays with me, sometimes. He is very good at drawing, so is my nanny Luda. I love drawing too. Every day I draw a couple of pictures to hang on our refrigerator. Now we need another refrigerator as we are running out of space on ours. My parents ask me to speak only Russian at home but now I know that teachers at my school and other activities do not speak Russian. They said that they would love to learn, so, sometimes, I try to teach them and speak with them in Russian but most of the time I speak English — at school and with my buddies on the playground. I noticed that other parents and kids speak other languages on the playground. It is pretty amazing and I hope will learn many languages when I grow up, because I am smart and my parents are very proud of me as I can count till 20 in English, till 12 in Russian and till 5 in French. Wow!
My goal for this is, well, I was told that I will start a school this year and the rest is….aaaa, have fun. No goals, mama says just have fun and bring my family joy watching me grow!
I would like to be a tiger or a cheetah if worse comes to worse.